Acast ci ha fatto un regalo, Ausha crea un nuovo e interessante tool & Spotify lancia il feed unico.
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Le risorse:
- Replacing Chartable
- How to Convince Your Boss (or Clients) to Launch a Branded Podcast
- Podcast Taxonomy (Whitepaper scaricabile)
- Il report di Acast
Per approfondire:
- Podcast Advertising Fuels Consumerism: Acast Study
- Transcripts on Apple Podcasts / Apple Podcasts spotlights on narrative series
- Ausha launches Ausha Intelligence
- Podeo to integrate Dolby Atmos immersive audio into podcasts
- Spotify’s Synched Feeds allows creators to display their free and subscriber-only content in one feed
I capitoli:
- (00:00) Intro
- (01:04) Highlights dal report di Acast
- (03:48) Nuove funzionalità per Apple Podcast
- (05:28) Nasce Ausha Intelligence
- (07:00) Podeo integra Dolby Atmos
- (09:04) Spotify rilascia il feed unico sulla sua piattaforma
- (10:17) Outro
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