@Tennessee – Darknet Diaries


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Printed circuit board in shape of person.

How much online abuse are you willing to take before you decide to let your abuser have what they want? Unfortunately, this is a decision that many people have to ask themselves. Consider, the wrench attack, as outlined by this xkcd comic.

Source: xkcd: Security

If someone can threaten you physically, it bypasses whatever digital security you have in place.

Thanks to https://twitter.com/jw for sharing this harrowing story with us.


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Support for this show comes from Ping Identity, champions of identity for the global enterprise. Give your users a loveable login solution. Visit www.pingidentity.com/.

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Darknet Diaries is created by Jack Rhysider.

Episode artwork by odibagas.

Audio cleanup by Proximity Sound.

Theme music created by Breakmaster Cylinder. Theme song available for listen and download at bandcamp. Or listen to it on Spotify.


Recording equipment used this episode was the Shure SM7B, Zoom Podtrak P4, Sony MDR7506 headphones, and Hindenburg audio editor.



JACK: When I was a teenager, I was really into skateboarding. Often-time I’d go with my friends and roll around behind buildings or in drainage ditches or at abandoned stores. Pretty much wherever we’d go skate was a place where no one was around. But one day a kid a few years older than me showed up to where my friend and I were skating. He came up looking all tough and told us to give him our skateboards, not in a ‘hey, let me show you a trick’ kinda way, but more like ‘give it to me or else’ kinda way. [MUSIC] But then he got right up on top of me and shoved me off my board. He went to pick up my skateboard, but my friend pushed him from behind and he fell over. I grabbed my skateboard; my friend and I took off as fast as we could skate. The guy got up and started chasing us. We got to the street which was pretty busy, but we darted across traffic in a crazy, dangerous kinda way. The older kid was right behind us, running through traffic, too.

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