*This article was repurposed with permission from Prevention Disinfectants.

3 Myths About Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting
Summer is here, and as a way to welcome in the new season, we thought we would take the time to debunk myths about cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting. While all of these methods should be used within your salon and spa every day, they are not interchangeable.
Myth #1: Cleaning Daily is the BEST Way to Prevent the Spread of Germs.
What does it mean, ‘to clean?’ So often the term is used to describe everything from tidying and wiping down surfaces to disinfecting tools and equipment. While the general maintenance of implements, surfaces, foot baths and tools is essential, cleaning is only the first step to ensuring that your business is creating a safe and germ-free environment.
Cleaning is the process of removing dirt and debris. While this is necessary, cleaning only prepares the surface for being sanitized or disinfected afterward. Cleaning typically includes the use of soap, detergent and a wiping or scrubbing action.
Myth #2: Sanitizing is the Same as Disinfecting!
Does sanitizing surfaces, foot baths and equipment keep your clients safe from the spread of germs? No! Sanitizing reduces the number of bacteria on a surface to an acceptable limit, but does not include efficacy against viruses and fungi. Sanitizing is designed to destroy 99.9% of bacteria in 30 seconds or less.
Why do we disinfect if sanitizing is capable of reducing the amount of bacteria? Disinfecting is the only way to reduce all pathogens. To properly disinfect, the surfaces must remain wet for the required contact time, therefore a short contact time means fast disinfection.

3 Myths About Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting
Myth #3: Only Disinfect When Necessary
While disinfecting surfaces, equipment and devices is key to killing pathogens and preventing them from impacting your clients, many people hesitate from disinfecting these items after each client as they are afraid of the harsh chemicals that they feel are involved. Some disinfectants are designed to be tough on pathogens, but are unfortunately also irritating to eyes and skin and potentially corrosive to your surfaces.
What if we told you that you could disinfect surfaces and equipment several times a day, without risking harm to you and your team? Prevention™ Disinfectants are changing the way individuals disinfect their spa and salon, as they are designed to kill pathogens effectively without the adverse side-effects of many other disinfectants! Our Prevention™ Ready to Use Wipes and ready to use liquid are powered by Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide® (AHP®) which provides for:
• The Fastest contact times against bacteria, viruses and fungi
• EPA approved, hospital-grade disinfection
• Non-toxic, non-irritating, no harsh chemical smell
• A biodegradable active ingredient that’s sustainable for our planet
Cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting all play a part in maintaining a safe environment for you, your team and your clients. Let’s continue to debunk common disinfection myths and change the way salons and spas across the country create a safe and healthy space for their beauty professionals and their clients!
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